160 lines
5.4 KiB
160 lines
5.4 KiB
[1mdiff --git a/configDots/pikaur.conf b/configDots/pikaur.conf[m
[1mindex 53926ca..73635c2 100644[m
[1m--- a/configDots/pikaur.conf[m
[1m+++ b/configDots/pikaur.conf[m
[36m@@ -9,10 +9,10 @@[m [mignoreoutofdateaurupgrades = no[m
keepbuilddir = no[m
keepdevbuilddir = yes[m
skipfailedbuild = no[m
[31m-alwaysusedynamicusers = no[m
keepbuilddeps = no[m
ignorearch = no[m
gpgdir = [m
[32m+[m[32mdynamicusers = root[m
version = 10[m
[1mdiff --git a/simpleDots/i3/alternating_layouts.py b/simpleDots/i3/alternating_layouts.py[m
[1mdeleted file mode 100755[m
[1mindex d38d2ca..0000000[m
[1m--- a/simpleDots/i3/alternating_layouts.py[m
[1m+++ /dev/null[m
[36m@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@[m
[31m-#!/usr/bin/env python[m
[31m-import i3[m
[31m-import re[m
[31m-import subprocess[m
[31m-import getopt[m
[31m-import sys[m
[31m-import os[m
[31m-def find_parent(window_id):[m
[31m- """[m
[31m- Find the parent of a given window id[m
[31m- """[m
[31m- root_window = i3.get_tree()[m
[31m- result = [None][m
[31m- def finder(n, p=None):[m
[31m- if result[0] is not None:[m
[31m- return[m
[31m- for node in n:[m
[31m- if node['id'] == window_id:[m
[31m- result[0] = p[m
[31m- return[m
[31m- if len(node['nodes']):[m
[31m- finder(node['nodes'], node)[m
[31m- finder(root_window['nodes'])[m
[31m- return result[0][m
[31m-def set_layout():[m
[31m- """[m
[31m- Set the layout/split for the currently[m
[31m- focused window to either vertical or[m
[31m- horizontal, depending on its width/height[m
[31m- """[m
[31m- current_win = i3.filter(nodes=[], focused=True)[m
[31m- for win in current_win:[m
[31m- parent = find_parent(win['id'])[m
[31m- if (parent and "rect" in parent[m
[31m- and parent['layout'] != 'tabbed'[m
[31m- and parent['layout'] != 'stacked'):[m
[31m- height = parent['rect']['height'][m
[31m- width = parent['rect']['width'][m
[31m- if height > width:[m
[31m- new_layout = 'vertical'[m
[31m- else:[m
[31m- new_layout = 'horizontal'[m
[31m- i3.split(new_layout)[m
[31m-def print_help():[m
[31m- print("Usage: " + sys.argv[0] + " [-p path/to/pid.file]")[m
[31m- print("")[m
[31m- print("Options:")[m
[31m- print(" -p path/to/pid.file Saves the PID for this program in the filename specified")[m
[31m- print("")[m
[31m-def main():[m
[31m- """[m
[31m- Main function - listen for window focus[m
[31m- changes and call set_layout when focus[m
[31m- changes[m
[31m- """[m
[31m- opt_list, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'hp:')[m
[31m- pid_file = None[m
[31m- for opt in opt_list:[m
[31m- if opt[0] == "-h":[m
[31m- print_help()[m
[31m- sys.exit()[m
[31m- if opt[0] == "-p":[m
[31m- pid_file = opt[1][m
[31m- if pid_file:[m
[31m- with open(pid_file, 'w') as f:[m
[31m- f.write(str(os.getpid()))[m
[31m- process = subprocess.Popen([m
[31m- ['xprop', '-root', '-spy'],[m
[31m- stdout=subprocess.PIPE,[m
[31m- stderr=subprocess.PIPE[m
[31m- )[m
[31m- regex = re.compile(b'^_NET_CLIENT_LIST_STACKING|^_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW')[m
[31m- last_line = ""[m
[31m- while True:[m
[31m- line = process.stdout.readline()[m
[31m- if line == b'': #X is dead[m
[31m- break[m
[31m- if line == last_line:[m
[31m- continue[m
[31m- if regex.match(line):[m
[31m- set_layout()[m
[31m- last_line = line[m
[31m- process.kill()[m
[31m- sys.exit()[m
[31m-if __name__ == "__main__":[m
[31m- main()[m
[1mdiff --git a/simpleDots/i3/config b/simpleDots/i3/config[m
[1mindex 3897e90..aff8891 100644[m
[1m--- a/simpleDots/i3/config[m
[1m+++ b/simpleDots/i3/config[m
[36m@@ -266,9 +266,10 @@[m [mexec --no-startup-id test -x ~/.local/bin/i3autostart.sh && ~/.local/bin/i3autos[m
exec --no-startup-id gsettings set org.gtk.Settings.FileChooser sort-directories-first true[m
## Spirallayout for new windows[m
[31m-exec_always --no-startup-id ~/.i3/alternating_layouts.py[m
[32m+[m[32mexec_always --no-startup-id /usr/bin/autotiling[m
## Window Config[m
[32m+[m[32mfor_window [class="smplayer"] floating enable[m
for_window [class="Argon"] floating enable[m
for_window [class="Vlc"] floating enable[m
for_window [class="Ghidra"] floating enable[m
[1mdiff --git a/sysconfig_arch/workstation_aurSoftware.yaml b/sysconfig_arch/workstation_aurSoftware.yaml[m
[1mindex 24e594a..d1ef992 100644[m
[1m--- a/sysconfig_arch/workstation_aurSoftware.yaml[m
[1m+++ b/sysconfig_arch/workstation_aurSoftware.yaml[m
[36m@@ -9,10 +9,10 @@[m
become_user: aur_builder[m
[32m+[m[32m - autotiling[m
- free42[m
- insync[m
- c-lolcat[m
[31m- - python-i3-py[m
- ttf-unifont[m
- ttf-symbola[m