This is the base conversion program contributed by Ton van de Burgt to the [Free42 Software Collection]( --- # Base A program for viewing several bases together. ## Usage ![Usage](images/image001.gif) The program shows the ASCII character, the Hexadecimal value, the Decimal value and the Binary value. The maximum value of the word is 1 byte: "FF" in Hex, 255 in Dec, 1111.1111 in Bin. - Pressing [ASCII] you can enter a new ASCII value - Pressing [HEX] you can enter a new Hexadecimal value - Pressing [DEC] you can enter a new Decimal value - Pressing [BIN] you can enter a new Binary value ## Example Press [ASCII] and enter a "Q": ![Example 2](images/image002.gif) Press [R/S] and the several bases are displayed: ![Example 3](images/image003.gif) Press [HEX] and enter "15" ![Example 4](images/image004.gif) Press [R/S] and the several bases are displayed: ![Example 5](images/image005.gif)