# Brewery calculations ## SPND - Spundungsdruck This is a **solver-program** to calculate the carbonization pressure according to this formula: ``` 2617.25 (- 10.73797) + ---------- t + 273.15 c(p, t) := (p + 1.013) %e 10 ``` c: CO₂ concentration in g/l p: Carbonization gauge pressure in bar ϑ: Temperature in °C https://elfring.ms/blog/rpn-karbonisierungsrechner ## GFWtr - Grainfather Water Calculator Asks for the batchvolume in l (Aussschlahmenge / Asslg) and grainbill in kg (Malz) and calculates the amount of mash- and sparge-water for grain bills > 4,5 kg according to this formula from the Grainfather manual: ``` MashWater = GB * 2.7 + 3.5 SpargeWater = (BV + WL) - MashWater + (GB * 0.8) ``` GB: Grainbill in kg BV: Batchvolume in l WL: Waterloss in boil & trub in l (defaults to 5) Adjust waterloss in line 10