How to get the list of usable key-sequences? -------------------------------------------- Download the X11 compose-sequences for en_US.UTF-8¹ and get rid of some things: - Comments (XCOMM) - Sequences not started my Multi_key - Sequences containing non-standard characters ¹) en_US.UTF-8 seems to be quite complete and also available on other locales. ``` $ wget $ grep -i '^' | grep -v 'U.....>' > Compose.usable ``` Convert to psv -------------- Plus-separated-values because + is not used in the file. Regex to extract the fields then remove tabs and squish spaces. TODO: There must be a better regex for this. Also, this leaves begin-of-field spaces. ``` $ sed --regexp-extended 's/(.*): \"(.*)\"(.*)#(.*)/\1+\2+\3+\4/' Compose.usable | tr -d "\t" | tr -s " " > Compose.psv ``` Load into SQLite ---------------- $ sqlite3 Compose.db3 CREATE TABLE "keySequences" ( "keySequence" TEXT NOT NULL, "utfCharacter" TEXT NOT NULL, "desc1" TEXT, "desc2" TEXT ); .mode csv .separator "+" .import Compose.psv keySequences How to get random, unique entries that do not repeat ---------------------------------------------------- Create a table for ids we already sent. CREATE TABLE "alreadySent" ( "keySequenceROWID" INTEGER, "timestamp" INTEGER ); Create a view with yet unsent rows CREATE VIEW stillAvailable ( keySequenceROWID, keySequence, utfCharacter, desc1,desc2 ) AS SELECT ROWID, keySequence, utfCharacter, desc1, desc2 FROM keySequences WHERE ROWID NOT IN ( SELECT keySequenceROWID FROM alreadySent ) Add some phrases to start the toot with --------------------------------------- Create a table with some entry-phrases: CREATE TABLE "phrases" ( "phrase" TEXT ); .mode csv .separator "+" .import phrases.txt phrases