# compoBot — A bot to toot composekey sequences The compose key (a.k.a. Multi Key) is a massively useful and (unfortunately) forgotten feature. It lets you type a keyboard sequence eg. `` and it inserts a special character: ™. This bot regularly toots one of those sequences to a mastodon account so that everyone can appreciate them. The sequences used, are standard on modern linux systems. However, the compose/multikey is usually not mapped on most keyboards. With `xmodmap`, it can be mapped to a rarely used key like menu or capslock. On windows systems, there is (WinCompose)[https://github.com/samhocevar/wincompose] to get similar results. ## Usage compoBot can be used from shell or docker. The prerequisits are minimal: sqlite3, curl and the standard tools. It is configured by environment variables wich may be set in a file called env. | Variable | Default | Description | |---------------|------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | database | ./working-db.db3 /data/working-db.db3 | Databasefile, should be persistant in docker | | minWait | 43200 (12 h) | Minimum random time to wait between toots | | maxWait | 86400 (24 h) | Maximum random time to wait between toots | | mtdVisibility | direct | Privacy setting for the toot¹ | | mtdApi | https://mastodon.example/api/v1/statuses | API endpoint to sent statuses² | | mtdToken | THIS_SHOULD_BE_A_Bearer-Token | API authentication² | ¹) https://docs.joinmastodon.org/user/posting/ ²) https://docs.joinmastodon.org/methods/apps/#create-an-application