34 lines
869 B
34 lines
869 B
FROM archlinux/base:latest
LABEL maintainer "J. Elfring <devops@elfrinjo.de>"
## Set faster mirrors
COPY assets/mirrorlist /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
## Install prereqs and create a user with
## administrative privileges to install packages
RUN pacman --sync --refresh --needed --noconfirm \
base-devel \
git \
go \
&& useradd --create-home user
COPY assets/sudoers /etc/sudoers
## Switch to the new user and install yay from aur
USER user
RUN cd /home/user \
&& git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/yay.git \
&& cd yay \
&& makepkg --syncdeps --install --noconfirm \
&& cd /home/user \
&& rm -rf yay
## Install profanity-git from aur
RUN cd /home/user \
&& yay --sync --noconfirm profanity-git
## Cleanup
RUN sudo pacman --noconfirm -Rcns go yay texinfo \
&& sudo pacman --noconfirm -Rsn $(pacman -Qqdt)
WORKDIR /home/user
CMD ["/usr/sbin/profanity"]